President’s Welcome
Stanford Club of Great Britain
The Stanford Club of Great Britain (SCGB) is the local chapter of the Stanford Alumni Association in the United Kingdom. The SCGB welcomes all Stanford alumni, affiliates, parents and family members to join its community.
The SCGB plans a wide range of activities to promote connections among the Stanford community in the UK. These include faculty talks, guided walks, wine tastings, sports viewings, outings to the theatre and opera, visits to museums, and young alumni events. From time to time we also arrange large gala events, and in the past have been welcomed to the US Embassy during the Olympic Games, have had dinner with HRH Prince Edward at St James's Palace, have marked Stanford's longstanding affiliation with Oxford at a dinner there, and have enjoyed an evening of jazz at the Royal Automobile Club.
If you would like to learn more about our activities please register as a member on the Stanford Alumni Association website:
If you would like to learn more about our activities, help organize, or even contribute your own ideas for the benefit of all club members, please get in touch with us at
The SCGB encourages event and venue proposals from all members. We look forward to hearing from you.
Outreach Volunteer Alumni Link (OVAL)
OVAL UK and Ireland conducts interviews of Stanford undergraduate applicants living in the UK and Ireland. Our membership is made up of alums (grad and undergrad) who interview the applicants and submit written reports to Stanford for consideration in the admissions process. We welcome any alum who would like to part of this process. This academic year all interviews and interview training will be virtual.
Our alumni group is unique is that it offers an opportunity to do something meaningful for the Stanford of today and tomorrow as well as meet a diverse group of alums from across the undergrad majors and grad schools. Often an interviewee will remind us of what we were like as a student and it is both heartwarming and rewarding to see how bright the future of Stanford is. Each time you interview, you have a chance to talk about what you love about Stanford and to increase your feeling of connectivity to the university.
OVAL UK and Ireland was one of the original five interview locations when Stanford introduced the undergraduate interview program in 2008, the only international location at that time and has conducted interviews continuously for over 10 years.
Stanford Graduate School of Business UK Alumni Chapter
The Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) UK Alumni Chapter focuses on providing business and career-related programming to GSB alumni. With over 900 GSB alumni in the UK, London is one of the largest international alumni hubs for the GSB.
Programming by the UK Chapter includes faculty events with visiting Stanford GSB faculty, small group dinners focusing on industry discussions, new/young alumni welcome parties and mixers, Dean's visits, and more, for a GSB-only audience or in partnership with other business schools in the area. If you're part of the GSB community and would also like to be kept informed on upcoming events, please ensure you sign up for the Chapter. It's free to join in order to stay informed!
Stanford Women’s Network UK
The Stanford Women's Network UK enables Stanford alumnae and affiliates to build a community in the United Kingdom, create new connections both personal and professional, gain knowledge, and broaden horizons. Club membership is open to all alumni, spouses, Stanford students and parents of students and alumni, regardless of gender.
We were founded in 2013 by three alumna who met at a Stanford OVAL event and have grown to over 280 members with a organizational board of 10 alumna whose aim is to facilitate exceptional events that inspire and encourage the participation of and collaboration with our network.
A few examples of the numerous events we've had over the past 7 years include: an evening with Member of UK Parliament Amber Rudd; events with other women's networks, including "Times Up: How to Achieve Gender Diversity in the Board Room" panel event co-hosted with the women's network of Columbia Business School and "Women in Leadership: Power and Politics in Professional Service Firms" co-hosted with Cass Business School's Global Women's Network; Conversation with Stanford alum artist Lisa Cirenza; coaching and virtual coaching sessions with leadership coach Sarah Perugia; Evening with Ertharin Cousin, Distinguished Lecturer at Stanford FSI and former US Ambassador and World Food Program Executive Director; Champagne Lunch Reception with Stanford Professor Larry Diamond; Stand up comedy with Stanford Alumna Lynn Ruth Miller; Evening with Stanford Professor Anna Gryzmala-Busse on the Rise of Populism; Book launches with authors and SWNUK members Mallika Paulraj (Invest with the Best) and Elaine Chiew (The Heartsick Diaspora); our annual Thanksgiving Dinner and AGM at co-founder Diane Stewart's home, and many informal gatherings at London restaurants, bars and members' homes.
To join the SWNUK mailing list, please sign up via
Stanford Angels of the united kingdom
The Stanford Angels of the UK is a Stanford Alumni group whose mission is to offer high-calibre startups access to funding, expertise and connections. We are committed to facilitating investments in early-stage and growth ventures, while enriching the entrepreneurship ecosystem more broadly.
Our members are serious angel investors with successful expertise as investors, entrepreneurs and executives, and are actively engaged in the startups they back. Our prolific investment activity has resulted in the backing of a large number of top-tier startups, and our activity continues to grow.
Stanford Law School Alumni UK
SLS Alumni UK is a gathering place, social and business network and a fun way to connect with other SLS alums in the UK. Our members are a broad mix of American JDs working/living in the UK along with LLMs (from all over the world) and other advanced degree recipients. While we are mostly based in or around London, we welcome members from anywhere in the UK or any alum who visits or works in London.
We are a reinvigorated group, restarting in late 2019 and welcome any ideas for events, virtual or in-person. We plan to continue our social events and look to career, legal education and other related programs as well.