OVAL UK & Ireland
OVAL UK and Ireland offers alumni interviews to Stanford undergraduate applicants living in the UK and Ireland. Our membership is made up of Stanford alums (grad and undergrad) who interview the applicants and submit written reports to Stanford for consideration in the admissions process. We have two interview cycles per year: November for early admission and January-February for regular admission. We welcome any alum who would like to conduct interviews in either or both cycles. The number of interviews you conduct is up to you, some interviewers do one per cycle, others up to fifteen! This academic year all interviews and interview training will be virtual.
OVAL UK and Ireland was one of the original five interview locations when Stanford introduced the undergraduate interview program in 2008, the only international location at that time and has conducted interviews continuously for over 10 years. Initially, online interviews were not allowed and volunteers travelled great distances to conduct interviews including flying to Jersey and driving around Scotland and Ireland. Group trips to Wales as well as locations throughout England became annual events.
In order to become an interviewer, alums need to undergo one evening of training. Usually this training is held in person at an alum’s home and is a way to learn the process and procedures required, engage with a Stanford admissions officer and experienced interviewers, and of course connect with other alums. This year however, all training will be virtual, conducted by Stanford Admissions online.
OVAL UK was recognized for its achievements with an SSA Award of Merit, a special breakfast for all UK OVAL volunteers with then President Johnn Hennessey and a ten-year anniversary celebration at Home House with Dean of Admissions Rick Shaw.
OVAL UK is proud of an unbroken record of offering interviews to 100% of eligible students and of a near perfect record of all interviews completed and filed before deadline. In addition to alums living in the UK, we have a group of interviewers who, despite having moved away, still work with us and have conducted interviews from their new homes in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Africa, China and the USA for students on gap years.
In the “old normal”, we have hosted pizza parties for Early Admits, Christmas parties for volunteers and London Admit parties.
Joining Stanford OVAL
To join OVAL: https://oval.stanford.edu/
Contacts of Stanford OVAL of UK & Ireland
Karen Chang: stanfordovaluk@gmail.com
Julie Carlin-Sasaki: julie_carlinsasaki@yahoo.com
Diane Stewart: dstewartzezza@gmail.com
For some time, I had wanted to find a way to give back to Stanford as a volunteer in a meaningful way. When I heard about the OVAL interviewing program, it seemed like the perfect fit for me as I had done a fair bit of interviewing in my professional career. I was concerned that I was a graduate alum but in the end most students want an interviewer to encapsulate the feeling of what it’s like to be on the Stanford campus, something we are all familiar with, whatever and wherever we studied at Stanford. I knew that I would be helping Stanford but what was unexpected and amazing was the level of personal satisfaction and knowledge that I get from the interviewing. Each of the applicants is unique, has a story to tell and intriguing insights to share. I have learned so much from these students, their struggles and their accomplishments. Of course I experience heartbreak when my favoured candidate doesn’t gain admission but oh the joyous feeling when a deserving candidate whose heart is set on Stanford does get in! The most personal connection does come from the in person interviews but I have also interviewed students (via video chat) on the top of a mountain in Norway performing their military service or on a boat in the Pacific Ocean. I’ve learned what it is like to go to school in a small rural community in Poland, live in eight different countries before you are eighteen, and testify before the US Congress and the UK Parliament.
— Julie Carlin-Sasaki
I became an OVAL UK volunteer because I wanted to reconnect with the Stanford community, and I thought that I could add value as an interviewer. I could never have anticipated how much value it would add to my life! I‘ve come away from my yearly interviews generally in awe of the candidates’ accomplishments and thankful for the opportunity to speak with and learn from such remarkable young adults. At OVAL training sessions I’ve held at my house and at other OVAL events, I’ve made great friends and broadened my professional network, and I credit an OVAL Holiday Party for bringing together a group of us who then collaborated to found the Stanford Women’s Network UK[—now a network of over 280 UK-based alumna]. My story isn’t unique; the OVAL UK experience seems to be one warmly embraced by the many volunteers I’ve met.
— Diane Stewart